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Planting seeds that will grow and shape tomorrow     

 "نحن نغرس البذور لتنمو و تشكل الغد"

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We are a Dubai-based training and education consultancy focused on the improvement of effective teaching practices through a variety of tailored services to meet each individual school's needs. We have conducted over 600 workshops with over 12, 500 attendees from 80 schools and institutions from across the GCC and Middle East region. Join the Risalla community today! 

رسالة للاستشارات التعليمية


رسالة هي مكتب استشاريّ يتخذ من دبي مقرًا له ويقدم خدماته لجميع دول مجلس التعاون الخليجيّ. نحن متخصصون بتحسين طرق ووسائل تعليم وتعلّم اللغة العربيّة، التربية الإسلاميّة و الدرسات الاجتماعيّة، هدفنا في نهاية المطاف، هو البعد عن الممارسات التقليدية المتمحورة حول المعلم لخلق بيئة يكون المتعلّم هو محور العمليّة التعليميّة.  


نحن نقدم مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات وثيقة الصلة بالتعليم والتعلّم لتتناسب مع الاحتياجات المختلفة للمدارس، المدرسين والإدارات.


Consulting and Training Services

Taking quality learning to the next level

We provide a range of education-related products and services to suit your school and departmental needs.

Our recruitment services assist both schools and educators to find the perfect fit by searching for high quality and experienced candidates to meet the requirements of the available roles.


Our large selection of hands-on and engaging training and workshops provide professional development opportunities for educators to improve their teaching skills. 

School Improvement

Through school visits and in-class observations, our team will develop a tailored professional development  program that specifically meets your school and departmental needs.

We're Good With Numbers



Years of experience
in education


Educators we've trained


Schools we've
worked with


Workshops conducted

About Us


We are a Dubai-based training and education consultancy focused on the improvement of effective teaching practices. Our consultants work with schools to make a difference across the Middle East through bespoke training and consulting services. This includes one-off consults, a series of workshops or a full school improvement program. 

our highly experienced team of consultants provides school management with the insight and advisory needed to help move the school forward. Through a tailored plan that includes mock inspections, class visits and coaching and mentoring, we work diligently with educators to ensure quality education standards are being met.

Our cross-cultural and multi-lingual expertise gives us unique insight and ability to cater to the challenges currently facing Arabic, Islamic Education, Social Studies and Moral Education departments. We understand that teachers come from varying backgrounds in education, with different outlooks on teaching and learning. In order to unify and improve this framework, it is important to bridge the gaps between Western pedagogy and Arabic/Islamic culture by providing specialized training for those teachers.


Our team has developed a program geared toward the overall improvement of the quality of teaching and learning across the Middle East. Our techniques incorporate the most recent teaching methodologies and practices and are tailored to suit the needs of each school and department's needs. Our recruitment services ensure that the most qualified candidates are matched with the best schools and have the necessary requirements for the available positions while our workshops inspire and energize teachers, benefit schools and improve students' performance. 

من نكون؟


شركة رسالة هي شركة استشارات تربويّة تعليميّة تتّخذ من دبي مقرًّا لها.

مهمّة شركة رسالة هي توفير تدريب عالي الجودة للمعلمين؛ وذلك بهدف تحسين فاعليّة العمليّة التّعليميّة- التّعلّميّة، من خلال تسليح المعلّمين بالمهارات اللاّزمة الّتي تساعدهم على خلق بيئة تعلّميّة صحّيّة محورها الطّالب، ومن خلال تصميم دروس تطابق المعايير المتّبعة في استراتيجيّات التّربية الحديثة، وكذلك من خلال تصميم أنشطة جماعيّة فعّالة تراعي الفروق الفرديّة، ما يسهم في رفع مستوى تحصيل الطّلاّب وزيادة نسبة مشاركتهم الصّفّيّة.

تقدّم رسالة مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات التّربويّة تلبية لما يناسب احتياجات أيّ مؤسّسة، وتراعي في ذلك ميزانية المدرسة وجدولها الزمني.

وفي هذا السّياق، تفيدكم رسالة علمًا بأنّها على استعداد لتعيين موعد اجتماع مع إدراة المدرسة والهيئة التّعليميّة، وذلك للبحث في كيفيّة التّعاون بين الطّرفين من أجل تطوير الأداء المهنيّ للمدرّسين.



قام فريقنا بتصميم برامج تركز على التحسين الشامل لجودة التعليم والتعلم ، وتتضمن أساليبنا أحدث المنهجيات وممارسات التدريس القائمة على تشجيع الطلاب على تنمية مهارات التفكير العليا، وتحفيزهم للوصول إلى التطبيق الكامل لمعايير وزارة التربية والتعليم.


We are committed to improving standards

Our Trainers In Summer Courses

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Mufida Al Digeil 

I have 17 years of teaching experience in the UAE, and I am a certified NLP (neuro linguistic programming) coach. My experience in life coaching for the past 8 years helped me to stay positive in all aspects of my life and has become a theme in the way I handle my students, my work, and my relationships in many different scenarios."

As an instructional coach I aim to ensure that teachers are provided with the tools that are necessary for teaching in the 21st century. I am an advocate of teachers' wellbeing and  believe that when teachers learn to take care of themselves, They offer their students the best learning experience.

I am  excited to join the “Risalla” team this summer as a volunteer trainer to support teachers and schools at this different time of Coronavirus.


Marwa Yassin

I have been an educator for 17 years across all divisions. My major is in English Literature, and currently I am doing my Masters in Islamic Education.  

I am a purpose- driven, forward thinker, a coach, and a leader who understands the work life balance. I have conducted several educational workshops across schools in UAE, and currently work as a coach and an educational leader. I believe that passion and positivity are the key to success. It is a great pleasure to join the “Risalla” team this summer as a volunteer trainer for some of the online training workshops to support teachers and help them become more skilled and ready for the continuing online teaching journey in the coming academic year. 




Rawan Al Husseini


I have a BSc degree in Recreation Therapy from Dalhousie University in Canada and own Beyond-rt.  At Beyond-rt we run effective work-place inclusion and vocational skills programs for youth with disabilities at notable organizations in the UAE. With over 16 years of experience working in Canada and the GCC, my dream is to help children and their families cope with social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties arising out of stressful life events, transitions and/ or environmental barriers.

In joining the “Risalla” team this summer, I am happy to raise teachers’ awareness about the strong relationship between quality learning and well-being. Teachers will benefit from learning how to teach their students the skills for wellbeing alongside academics.


Shady Elkassas 

As a performance-oriented educator, a STEM advocate and speaker in the MENA region, I have taken initiatives to adopt project-based learning (PBL) and inquiry-based learning (IBL) methodologies to create a new foundation of STEM learning in my school. Currently I am handling dual responsibilities as Assistant principal of innovation and the Head of Science Department. I encourage and support the development of innovation instructional programs and plan/implement the related CPDs.  

With Robotics being of particular interest to me, I have led the School Robotics team and helped them win many awards at international events. I have also been invited to speak at events like TEDx and GESS (Global Educational Supplies and Solutions Exhibition).

I have been selected to be a speaker in many international education conferences in the region like GESS in Dubai in 2016, 2017, and Fatih Educational Summit in Turkey 2016. I am also a winner of the Khalifa Award of Education, and the Middle East Education Influencer Award.  

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Lesley Isherwood,
Principal, Al Yasat International School

Student-centered learning experience is now witnessed in every class with the group of activities learned from Risalla’s workshops and coaching sessions. The staff are now able to plan engaging lessons for students of all ages from KG1-G6, and understand the importance of thorough and detailed planning and assessment of all students. Very importantly, this has contributed significantly to most positive recent inspection and accreditation outcomes for these subject areas and the associated teaching, learning and curriculum.

Ghadeer Abu Shamat,
Principal, GEMS Al Khaleej National School

The Risalla Education team was successful in providing informative, very well presented, and enjoyable training sessions with a wealth of effective strategies and tools to assist our teachers in this up-hill journey. The teachers were inspired and fully engaged in the workshops. Their response to the training sessions was positive and they immediately applied the learned tools and strategies in their classrooms.

Joe Ravesi,
Secondary Principal- American International School of Abu Dhabi

Risalla's continuous and constructive feedback helped our teachers adopt new teaching techniques to create a student centered learning experience in their classrooms. The Risalla team clearly demonstrated a high level of professionalism and commitment in working with our teachers. They have the professional knowledge and understanding of the challenges Arabic teachers face in an international school setting.

Risalla workshop
Risalla Workshop
Risalla workshop
Risalla workshop
Risalla Workshop

Who we've worked with

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Tel: +9715 5 588 9926
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Risalla El Ghad

Consulting and Training FZ LLE

Office 3909, The One Tower,

Sheikh Zayed Rd, Dubai, UAE

PO Box 73988

© Risalla El Ghad Consulting and Training 2013

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